Why are Ethics Important in Accounting?

What Can Result from Poor Ethics in Accounting?

Many negative consequences can result from poor ethics in accounting practices. The first result is generally a lag in business. Accounting firms rely heavily on word-of-mouth for promotion, and it's all too easy for a few bad stories about unethical behavior to sway prospective clients away from a particular firm. There can also be serious legal repercussions for those who are found to be violating legal codes and standards for their jurisdiction

What Can I Do to Be an Ethical Accountant?

To begin with, study your area's legal statutes regarding accounting practices. While it is true that what is legal and what is ethical can be two different things, the legal code is a good basic guide to help you understand the prevailing feeling towards what is right. Likewise, make sure that you always put the interests of your clients ahead of your own, that you safeguard client information doggedly and never behave in a fashion that you know to be wrong while handling accounting work.