How to Find Out About Your Section 8 Number

How to Find Out About Your Section 8 Number
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Section 8 is a federal housing program that provides rent subsidies to low income participants. The Section 8 program is administered by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and available in most urban cities around the United States. The program is extremely popular, which is why many housing authorities that offer the program have long waiting lists. If your name is on a Section 8 waiting listing it is wise to check the status of your application every few months.

Contact the Section 8 housing authority that you applied to and ask to speak with a case manager. In some cases, you can also speak with the receptionist as well.

Inform the receptionist of your intent to find out about your Section 8 waiting list number. Provide the representative with your name, Social Security number and the address listed on your application, when prompted to do so.

Write down your new Section 8 waiting list number when prompted to do so. If you are close to the top of the list, you may be instructed to schedule a meeting with a caseworker to verify whether you are still eligible for the program. Write down any names and phone numbers given to you.


  • If you have submitted a Section 8 application to multiple housing authorities, you will need to call each housing authority to find out the status of your Section 8 number.