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My Plant Pot Water Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Decaying organic matter can cause water to develop a rotten-egg smell. This smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide, a by-product of organic decay. It's important to keep your plant base clean to prevent this smell from developing.

Causes of Hydrogen Sulfide

Decaying vegetation or chemical reactions with certain minerals can lead to a smell like rotten eggs. As water moves through potting soil, it comes into contact with these minerals or dead pieces of vegetation.

Hazards of Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide is considered to be a hazardous gas. If you begin to notice the smell of rotten egg coming from your plant, open a window to vent the fumes. Even with low exposure to the gas, it can still irritate the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory system. If the smell persists or you exhibit symptoms, discard the plant immediately.

  • Decaying organic matter can cause water to develop a rotten-egg smell.
  • Decaying vegetation or chemical reactions with certain minerals can lead to a smell like rotten eggs.

Removing the Smell

To remove the smell of hydrogen sulfide, it's important to keep the potting soil clear of dead leaves and other debris. Pick out leaves from the base of the plant at least once a week. You should also remove stagnant water in the base of the drip pan every day.

Plant Pot Water Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Noticing your plant pot water smells like rotten eggs is a sure sign that something is amiss with the plant. This excessive moisture leads to root rot, which can prove fatal to the plant. If there is excessive water at the bottom of the pot or stinky dark liquid drips from the roots, you are over watering the plant. The drip plate collects excessive water that drains out of the pot. If the plate isn’t regularly cleaned, it can begin to smell and increase the chance of mold or mildew growth. The best way to prevent the rotten egg smell from returning is to avoid overwatering the plant. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless and flammable gas known as sewer gas because it often occurs as waste breaks down.

  • To remove the smell of hydrogen sulfide, it's important to keep the potting soil clear of dead leaves and other debris.

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