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What Is Data Reporting?

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jariyawat thinsandee/iStock/GettyImages

Data reporting is part of a system that reports key elements relating to an organization’s performance in order to improve different aspects. This reporting system provides a foundation for implementing better control over an organization. Data reporting measures performance, and analyzes other key elements that can then be shared within the organization or with the public.

Data Reporting System

The data reporting system is made up of monitoring, converting and deploying data. After observing data trends for a set period of time, the data gathered will be converted into more understandable and precise presentation formats, such as charts, files or graphs. Once this data report is written up, the data is distributed to those parties that need it.

Data Monitoring

By monitoring an organization’s data using tables and graphs, the organization can delve deeper into their data model to determine areas that can be improved. Monitoring is the first aspect of data reporting. The amount of data can be overwhelming, so hiring data analysts to compile and translate your data reports is recommended.

Working Example of Data Reporting

For example, the FBI developed a data reporting system called the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NIBRS collects and reports detailed information on criminal incidents and victim demographics, as well as offender and arrestee demographics. This data is compiled into a data report that can be used to notice trends and gather statistics.


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jariyawat thinsandee/iStock/GettyImages