How to Write a Barter Agreement

How to Write a Barter Agreement. While a handshake can seal most deals you make with reputable business people, it never hurts to put an agreement's terms in writing. Drafting a simple barter agreement holds up as a binding document in many states. Check with your attorney first. Then write a barter agreement that clearly identifies the contracting parties and the goods or services each promises to provide.

Step 1

Open a new word processing document. Write "Barter Agreement" at the top. Add lines for the names of the parties, their company affiliations and contact information. Explain the purpose of the barter agreement.

Step 2

Begin the agreement in the form of a letter, starting with the salutation "Dear." Fill in the addressee.

Step 3

Add a first paragraph containing the agreement details. Detail what the addressor company agrees to do or provide. Include starting and ending dates. Identify the period with a specific name, such as "First Marketing Period."

Step 4

Enter a second paragraph specifying what the addressee company agrees to do or provide. Insert dates for beginning and completing each item. Add a name for this period, such as "Second Marketing Period."

Step 5

Write one or two paragraphs in the middle of the agreement to explain the details further. For example, explain a backup agreement should either party fall short of its promises. State the time period governing the backup agreement.

Step 6

Mention compensation in the next paragraph. Specify that the parties agree not to exchange money. Repeat the kind of compensation agreed upon.

Step 7

Finalize the agreement by cautioning both parties against transferring the agreement to maintain confidentiality. Explain the additional rights both parties hold, such as the ability to examine each other's documents. State the signing instructions, such as "Please counter-sign this agreement and return to me at the following address."

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