What Is Flyout Network?

By G.D. Palmer

Updated September 28, 2017

Network flyout problems occur primarily on Vista.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Network flyout is a special feature in Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7. This term refers to the networks that pop up when you hover your mouse pointer over the “Available Networks” icon. Most users will never notice the network flyout feature, but some may see an icon or dialog for it if their computer suffers from a programming problem or software incompatibility.

Vista Gadgets and Flyouts

Flyouts are a type of gadget for Windows Vista and Windows 7; they are lightweight applications that sit in the sidebar or system tray. These programs run via the Windows Vista desktop and provide extra graphical and animated features. Flyouts work using HTML and JScript. They often act as add-ons for the main gadget and appear only when clicked or when the mouse pointer passes over them.

Network Flyout

While many Vista gadgets and flyouts are optional and can be added on by the user, the network flyout is installed by default. This flyout is attached to the Network and Sharing Center, from which you can check connection status and troubleshoot connection problems. The network flyout makes it easier to visualize your network and possible connections. It activates only when you click the Network and Sharing Center and click or hover over the Available Networks icon.

Network Flyout Problems

If your computer stops responding while you're accessing the network or configuring a gadget, you may see a small green “Network Flyout” icon at the bottom of your screen. This icon may also appear if the computer slows down while opening the Network and Sharing Center. In most cases, this problem is temporary and will correct itself, but sometimes the slow down may freeze the computer completely. This problem occurs primarily in Windows Vista.


If your Windows Vista computer suffers from a slow down or freeze related to the Network and Sharing Center or Network Flyout, try logging out and back in or restarting the computer entirely. In many cases, a reboot of the OS will fix the problem. If this does not work, try restarting your computer in Safe Mode and then letting it shut down normally. If the problem doesn't persist in Safe Mode, use the Clean Boot procedure to identify software conflicts that could be causing the problem.
