PH Levels of Fruit

Strawberry and Kiwi
••• fruit image by cherie from

The pH of an item refers to its acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14: A pH below 7 indicates increasing acidity and a pH above 7 indicates increasing alkalinity. A pH of 7 indicates neutrality.

Fruits and pH

Most fruits have a low to medium acid level, though bananas and potatoes are nearer to neutral.

Neutral or Alkaline Fruit

••• blueberry smoothie image by hazel proudlove from

Neutral or alkaline fruits include blueberries, avocados, currants, plums and prunes. Potatoes and bananas are usually classified as neutral.

Acidic Fruit

••• lemon image by Aleksei Volkhonsky from

Due to their high levels of sugar, nearly all fruits are acidic. At 2.3, lemons are some of the most acidic fruits on the scale, as are limes at 4.0.

Fruit Juice

••• apple juice image by hazel proudlove from

The pH of most fruit juice ranges between 6 and 7, a low level of acidity. The exception to this is lemon juice which is an acidic 2.3 on the scale.


The human body functions best at a slightly alkaline level and an imbalanced diet of acid-rich foods can lead to problems in the body's ability to heal itself. In order to avoid long-term damage, balance your acid-alkali levels, starting with your fruit intake.

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