Ibuprofen 600 Mg Side Effects

Ibuprofen 600mg is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is available only by prescription 1. This medication is used to treat moderate to mild pain, relieve symptoms of arthritis, reduce fever and relieve menstrual cramps, according to the Mayo Clinic 2. As with all medications, you should be aware of the associated side effects and what to do if you experience them.

Gastrointestinal System Side Effects

Ibuprofen 600mg can cause significant side effects associated with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract 1. These effects include:

  • black
  • bloody or tarry stools
  • coughing up blood
  • vomit that looks like coffee grounds
  • upset stomach
  • mild heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation

These effects occur because ibuprofen blocks prostaglandins, which are chemical signals that help to protect the lining of your gastrointestinal tract 1. Therefore, taking ibuprofen reduces the protective effects of prostaglandins and can increase your risk of gastrointestinal bleeding 1. Seek immediate medical treatment if you are noticing changes in your stool color, have stomach pain or are vomiting blood. Do not take ibuprofen if you have a history of stomach bleeding or ulcers 1.

Nervous System Side Effects

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The Mayo Clinic states that ibuprofen 600mg may cause weakness, slurred speech, problems with vision or balance, headache, sensitivity to light, seizure, ringing in your ears or nervousness 12. This occurs because ibuprofen can alter the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain 1. Seek immediate medical treatment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Cardiovascular System Side Effects

Drugs.com states that ibuprofen 600mg may cause chest pain, shortness of breath or rapid weight gain 1. This occurs because ibuprofen can cause blood vessels to contract unnecessarily 1. This results in a reduction of blood flow to the blood vessels that supply the heart, and can result in swelling and water retention. Seek medical attention immediately if you are having chest pain or shortness of breath for any reason. A change in dosage or an addition of a diuretic may help with your rapid weight gain.

  • Drugs.com states that ibuprofen 600mg may cause chest pain, shortness of breath or rapid weight gain 1.
  • A change in dosage or an addition of a diuretic may help with your rapid weight gain.