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How to Write Down Your Nursing Degrees

There are many different nursing degrees. The variety stems from the type of degree (associate's, bachelor's, master's ir doctorate degree) and the university granting the degrees. Once you have completed nursing school, there is then the licensing examination. Once your have your nursing license, there is a particular way to write down your nursing degrees after your name.

Start with the highest level of degree you have. The highest degree is a PhD in Nursing. This doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree indicates a high level of research in the nursing field. With this level of education you have a few options. You can write down just your PhD or mention both your doctorate and master’s degrees such as Jane Smith, PhD or Jane Smith, PhD, MSN.

Place your next highest degree in second place. If you have a doctorate, then the next degree you list is the master’s degree in nursing. If your top degree is a master’s, then you place your bachelor’s degree in second place. For example, Jane Smith, MSN, BSN is the proper way to write down your nursing degrees. This indicates that Jane has a Master of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Place your next highest degree. In many cases this is a BSN or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Use the abbreviation as you would with a master’s degree. As an example, you would write down Jane Smith, BSN.

Place your lowest degree in third place or your licensing designation. If you have only an associate's degree you would write Jane Smith, ASN. This abbreviation stands for Associate of Science in Nursing. In many cases, a person with a bachelor's or master's forgoes the mentioning of an associate's degree.

Place your licensing designation last. If you are an RN (registered nurse) or a LPN (licensed practical nurse) this professional abbreviation goes last, as in Jane Smith, ASN, LPN. In many cases having a bachelor’s degree indicates registered nurse status so you often see Jane Smith, BSN, RN.
