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Easy to Grow Garden Vegetables

Growing vegetables is not as complicated as it may seem. Considerations like garden space, soil type and climate zone may not be quite as important as selecting a veggie that will grow prolifically without much fuss. Choose among these garden favorites to start producing worry-free, home-grown produce in your own backyard.


Burpee seed company hails the Sun Gold cherry tomato variety as the most popular of its kind. Treasured for its orange-kissed, golden-sweet flesh, this hearty bloomer will provide fruits of the vine all summer long. Plant the cherry tomato from seed or starter and protect it from frost for best results.


Bury a piece of potato that has grown an eye or two, and you will have new potatoes that growing season. The potato creates tubers from the eyes it sprouts, and these will create finger-like roots that yield more potatoes from each branch. Just be sure to leave the original piece to ensure continual production.

  • Growing vegetables is not as complicated as it may seem.
  • Considerations like garden space, soil type and climate zone may not be quite as important as selecting a veggie that will grow prolifically without much fuss.


Just like Jack's infamous beanstalk, your pole beans will climb like magic up a pole tepee or pyramid and grow profuse amounts of protein rich, hearty beans. Many varieties are available, including the pole bean Kentucky Wonder. Provider, a popular bush or snap bean, grows in mounds without staking.


What could be more thrilling than a vegetable named after colorful, dyed eggs? The sweet pink, white and purple radishes of the Easter Egg variety will delight both young and old gardeners with their carefree profusion and magical hues.


Choosing a pumpkin seed that yields a plant the correct size for your garden space can be challenging. Why not try a miniature pumpkin variety for the ease of cultivation and exciting harvest? Baby Boo, a mini white vine pumpkin, and Jack-be-little, a mini orange variety, will create a little hiding place under a pole tepee as the leaves and vines flesh out.

  • Just like Jack's infamous beanstalk, your pole beans will climb like magic up a pole tepee or pyramid and grow profuse amounts of protein rich, hearty beans.

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