How to Make Ipecac

Ipecac is a homeopathic medication derived from the flowering plant known as Ipecacuanha from the Rubiaceae family 1. It is a plant that grows in the humid forests of Central America, Colombia, the Southern part of the Amazon and Atlantic Forests, and Brazil. The root, which is commonly used to make the syrup of ipecac, stimulates the central nervous system and the stomach to induce vomiting or emesis 1. The sole purpose of this action is to expectorate ingested poison or drug overdose from a person. It is a powerful emetic that is also used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea and intermittent fevers. Knowing how to make an Ipecac preparation will come in handy in cases of emergency situations such as drug intoxication 1.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.


Add 1,000 ml of water with 10 ml of acetic acid and set aside.

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Dilute the ipecac fluid extract with 300 ml of the water-acetic acid mixture and mix thoroughly by shaking 1.

Filter the mixture, passing enough water in the filtration process in order to obtain 500 ml of filtrate.

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Add the 100 ml of glycerin into the filtrate.

Dissolve 700 grams of sugar into the mixture.

Add enough water to obtain a product that reaches the 1,000 ml measurement.

Mix thoroughly and strain.

Store the concoction in a bottle with a label.


Milk or soda drinks should not be taken with Ipecac as this inhibits the desired action which is to cause vomiting. To avoid accidental overdose during home remedies, make sure to put in the label the following drug’s action, medical use and dosage: As an emetic (for ingestion of poison): Adults should take 30 to 60 ml Children between 1 to 2 years of age should take 4 to 8 ml to be repeated every 10 to 20 minutes until relief is observed.


Never use Ipecac to remedy a poison caused by any of the following: strychnine, lye, strong acids, kerosene, fuel oil, gasoline, coal oil, paint thinners and cleaning fluid. If taking of Ipecac does not induce vomiting after taking the first dose, the person should be immediately taken to the hospital for intervention.

  • Add 1,000 ml of water with 10 ml of acetic acid and set aside.