There are several reasons why someone may suffer with lower-back pain and combined leg pain, but most sufferers are suffering for common reasons. These reasons include arthritis, sclerosis, weight, pregnancy and bad posture, and more severe causes like cancer, infections, brittle bone disease and breaks.


As we age, our spines change. Our muscle elasticity decreases, and spinal discs lose their cushioning ability as they decrease in fluid. This can cause some pain during lifting and exercise, and can ultimately trigger a trapped nerve within the spinal cord. This trapped nerve can cause pain within the leg and can cause lower back pain.


Sciatica is usually caused by a compressed or trapped lumbar or sacral nerve within the spinal cord. Sciatica may also be brought on by pregnancy: In these cases, the uterus places pressure on the sciatic nerve because of the extra weight of the baby, and the mother's posture changes during the later stages of pregnancy. Sciatica itself can give a tingling feeling within the leg or foot as well as pain within the lower back and relevant leg. In most cases sciatica is reversible with gentle exercises and posture correction.


Bone sclerosis, also known as osteosclerosis, is a degenerative disease which causes the density of a bone to change. The bone becomes more textured and harder, rather like ivory, and shows whiter than usual on an x-ray. Harder bones sound advantageous, but instead, the surrounding can become damaged by the stronger bone. Parts of the surrounding bones may lose small areas and become brittle, while other bones may be moved slightly out of position. When this occurs within the spinal cord, nerves can also become trapped or have pressure placed upon them. Bone sclerosis of the spine can result in leg pains as well as lower back pain. A physiotherapist can guide a person living with bone sclerosis with comfortable exercise routines that help to help strengthen the surrounding muscle tissues and realign the spine.


While some cope perfectly well with being overweight, it can compromise the structural performance of the entire body, by straining muscles and placing too much pressure on bones. Without regular exercise, an overweight person can experience recurring lower back and leg pain. Exercise movements (chosen by a physician, physical therapist or personal trainer) can strengthen the supportive muscles in the back and legs, and provide more flexibility of movement for your body.

Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative diseases such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis can damage the joints, bones and muscles of the entire body. Pains within the lower back and legs can derive due to pressure on nerves within the body and bone loss also causing pressure. A diet plan prescribed by a specialist, and a regular exercise routine under a doctor's supervision, can help to minimize long-term and painful symptoms of most degenerative diseases.


Maintaining a natural posture and remembering to clench all muscles below the waistline at regular intervals can help in preventing lower back pain and leg pain from occurring or reoccurring. With incorrect posture, your spine does not receive the right amount of support from you or your muscles during most movements. This can lead to incorrect bone movement and long-term structural bone changes and damage to the spinal discs, which can cause leg and lower-back pain as well as pain in the neck and top of the back's entire muscular area.