If you are Ukrainian traveling abroad and your passport is reaching its expiration date, you may be wondering how you can renew it online. There are Ukrainian embassies in many countries that can renew your passport once you have submitted the required forms. Apply for a passport renewal at least six weeks before your passport expires because processing can take up to six weeks if you choose not to expedite. Although you can access passport renewal documents online, you need to print and mail them to the Ukrainian consulate, embassy or Passport Renewal Service Agency closest to you.

Visit the Ukrainian Passport Renewal Service Agency website, embassy or consulate closest to you.

Fill out three personal information forms. Include all required identification documents. Email the nearest Ukrainian Embassy, Consulate or Passport Renewal Service to ask if there are any additional requirements, if you are not in the United States.

Mail the forms, identification documents and any additional information, if applicable, to the nearest Ukrainian embassy, consulate or passport renewal service. Your renewed passport arrives in about two to six weeks, depending on whether you are expediting your renewal.

About the Author

Marianne Luke has been writing professionally since 2005. She has experience writing instruction manuals, research, fiction, nonfiction and poetry, and she also reviews Orlando local music for "Orange Ave Lab" magazine. Luke earned a Bachelor of Arts in technical communications and creative writing from the University of Central Florida in 2010.