Getting business cards printed from an existing card can be easy, especially when you are short on time and have an event later that evening. There are economical ways to get your business cards printed from an existing card through either a local printer or even an online printer. There is no reason to be without your business cards.

Contact the original local printer you used to print your business cards and see if they retained the native files. If they did, then ask them what the cost would be to get your cards printed again. Get the cards printed without missing a beat. If you need your cards that evening, some printers will rush the job for a fee.

If your original printer is no longer in business and you cannot contact the original designer, as long as you have your business card you can contact a new printer. If you take your card to them, they can scan your card, clean up the logo and then print the number of cards you need. They will also be able to save your files for later use.

Another way to get business cards printed from an existing card is to do it yourself. At a business supply store such as Staples or Office Depot, you can purchase perforated or "clean-edge" business card sheets that can be fed into a printer. As long as you have enough of your existing business card to place on the glass to fill the page, simply copy onto the sheets.

If you used an online printer, contact them. Find out if they have your business cards archived. Then notify them that you need a reprint of your existing card. These companies will usually rush the process for an additional fee.

If you are in a major crunch for time, you can photograph your card with a digital camera and output it to prints. .


Some online printers do not save the files once the print job has been completed.
If you choose to print your own business cards from an existing card by photocopying a sheet of cards, be aware that the quality will not be the same as the original card.